In his article, he refers to a survey by Ad Health. He states that African American women are found to be far less attractive than White, Asian and Native American women. He goes on to say that "It may have to do with higher levels of testosterone and more masculine features or more mutations of genomes than other races, and the mutations loads signficantly decrease the physical attractiveness. But black men are more attractive." It should also be noted that Mr. Kanazawa has made a career out of explaining why Asians are biologically smarter and African Americans are biologically inferior.
This article is one of the reasons why I created my company, and the main reason why I started this blog...so I can get on my 'soap box' and say what I want.
As African American women (& girls), we have so much to fight against, concerning our image. Whether it's body image, attitude or motherhood, etc. it seems that we're always having to defend ourselves. Well I don't think we should. Why should we? Defend ourselves against whom? People who write articles like this aren't going to change their opinions of us. What we need to do is encourage each other, support each others businesses, work together in our communities to build each other up. Black people still lead the way in discretionary spending. What if we put our money back into our own busnesses?
But enough about business. It's time for us to take responsibity for instilling self-esteem in our daughters while they're young - while they still 'hang on our every word.' Once we convince our girls to love and believe in themselves, no one can take that away. Who cares what they think?!
Well I don't care! Self-esteem, self-confidence, self worth, those are things that NO ONE can take away from us. I hve all of those, and I hve 5 year old twin girls who I hve to instill those qualitys in. It is my job as a parent to equip my girls against opinions like that. I thank u for your efforts Mrs. Nixon, and best believe my girls are gonna be two of GREATEST girls walking.....it is my dying duty.